Can Having a Great Smile Earn More Money?

In 2014 in the Journal of Economic Psychology, the University of California researchers published a study that stated that more attractive people earn as much as 12% more per year than someone who is viewed as unattractive. That is a HUGE difference! When people rank attractiveness, one of the main factors is a person’s smile. We are going to share a few ways in which a great smile can help you earn more.

More Positive

When going out for that job, if you have a pleasant, attractive smile, you will come across and being more warm and confident. These are two attributes that employers are looking for in their employees.

More Reliable 

Employees who take care of their oral health are more likely to have good health overall. This results in an employee who misses less time for illness. A person who is plagued with less illness is generally a more reliable energetic employee who can get the job done.

Ways to Improve Your Smile

  • Before an interview, have a teeth cleaning. A general cleaning can remove some staining on your teeth and make them look nice for your interview.
  • Consider teeth whitening. Whiter teeth are viewed as more attractive. Teeth whitening can remove stains from coffee, teeth and make your smile stand out!
  • Crooked teeth can be corrected using methods such as orthodontics or Invisalign which is less obvious than braces.

If you are interested in improving your smile, call our office and schedule your appointment today!